I had my little bundle of joy

I had my little bundle of joy!!!! To be honest I never thought it would end! The last three days of my 40 week stretch were the most nerve wracking! But my contractions were two minutes apart on his actual due date so I got admitted on his due date. I thought this was a good sign being a FTM but I was only dialated 1cm at 11 am with contractions getting higher in pain and staying frequent at two minutes. I ended up taking an epidural around 4 pm because the pain was too much ( mind you I have a high pain tolerance I was laughing walking in to be admitted) and I wasn't dialating but 1cm every two to three hours so they also put me on patocin. On an epidural they put you on a catheter which I get why but while on patocin he didn't like that and when I finally got to four cm they broke my water which didn't speed anything and his heart kept dropping and he kept moving so they had to go up in there with the monitor that screws right under their skin and they did that to him three different times because "it just wouldn't take"..... On top of that I had four nurses flipping me on different sides to try to get him happy for his heart rate to go back up and stick a huge exercise peanut between my legs, which not of that helped... I'm also on oxygen this whole time because my blood pressure is dropping. During this time I find out he's on his umbilical cord so that's another reason he's starting to be in distress so they have to put a third line up my vagina to push constant flow of liquids up around him to make him happy and get him up... Needless to say by about 2am I was exhausted and frustrated and was thinking I may just have to have a c-section. But at 2:30 am my nurse says I'm at 10cm and at 3:15 we can start pushing. She tells me that because I'm a FTM and on an epidural it'll probably take me an hour and a half to push since I can't feel and so we get ready and she tells me to push. Well immediately on the first push she looks at me wide eyed saying "stop, stop stop!" Then looks at my mom and says, "did you see that?!" Then my SO and says the same thing. They both say no and so she responded with " we almost had this baby on the first push," then looks back at me and says "don't push like that or your doctor won't make it, just maybe grunt, not a lot surprises me anymore but I'm definitely surprised." When my doctor walks in she tells him it won't take long and we begin. I literally pushed three times for maybe three minutes and he was out! I did tear because I pushed so fast and did have to get stitches but also the umbilical cord was still attached to me so we had to empty the patocin to me to loosen it and my doctor had to try a few times to get it out but eventually did. Needless to say my FT experience was far from normal or easy but after he was given to me I can without a doubt say it was more than worth it because I brought into this world a beautiful baby boy! Liam Prince Cummings who weighed 6pds 4oz and 19 1/2 in long, August 22, 2016 at 3:28 am. 😍❤️💙