Am I wrong? I need advice

So my Dad and I don't have the best relationship. When I was 6 he married and had two other children, who I love dearly. He was emotionally and physically abusive. I also remember spending many hours at the table doing work while my step sister watched tv. As I got older I just had enough of taking his shxt. When I was 21, he cut off child support which I was a little upset about. But he did it to be spiteful towards my mother. He had a guy sitting outside watching my  mothers routine so that he could serve her court papers. When I asked him for $100 for a textbook towards school you would've thought I was asking him for a million. 
I recently graduated from college and my only wish was to go out with both sides of my family as one. My dad TOLD me he would ask his wife and then decided for him and everyone else on that side that he didn't want to go. He told me "I haven't been cordial with those people for 22 years and I don't plan on starting now". So he chose his feelings over what would've made me happy. I asked him  when I get married or have a baby am I supposed to specially accommodate him because he hasn't been cordial with those people in 22 years?
He told me I treat his kids like step siblings and treat my brother and nephew who live with me better. He asked why I get up and cook breakfast for my mother but don't go to his house to cook for him. 
Anyways I have a 16 year old brother who I see living the life I once lived. Growing up, I've seen my Dad antagonize him to the point where he's punched holes in the wall and some furniture. I've seen my Dad get a kick out of bothering him . 
He's told my Dad on numerous occasions how much he hates him.
Recently my brother got into it with his mom and told her he was leaving and I got a text from my father that I'll post below 
I am not gonna lie but I've been known to get pretty disrespectful but because he's a parent doesn't mean he can talk and treat people the way he does. I am his oldest daughter and sometime I feel like nothing to him.
 Though I don't agree with the way my brother goes about things I  definetly understand him to an extent. I don't really care to mix and mingle with my father anymore, but I still want a relationship with my siblings, I don't want them to feel like I abandoned them.