My IUD story


This is very TMI, just a heads up.

A month ago I got the Mirena IUD put in and I'm currently mid period. I've never once had a baby or been pregnant. I got the IUD because the pill makes me a crazy person who has no control of their emotions.. so after talking with my doctor I asked about having an IUD, I'm one month in and love it!!

Pros- all the spontaneous sex

- don't have to worry about forgetting a pill

-no more condoms

-no babies for 5 years

Cons- more PMS symptoms (this month I had back pains, cramping, felt tired and had sore nipples)

-more clotting in my periods (which is icky, but I'm surviving)

- period is longer (by 2 days, which also sucks).

I was really nervous to get this done and if anyone has any questions please ask and I will try and answer :)