Negligent doctors please help?? Preeclampsia??

I'm 35+5 weeks I had a growth scan and my baby boy in measuring at 38+4 weeks. I have had swelling for 4 days in both hands and feet. I also have a headache that I've had for 2 days. Been drinking water and keeping feet elevated but no results.  When I told the doctor he said oh that's normal mind you my bp was 150/80 which he also said was normal. When I asked for the measurements of my son he did not want to give them to me just said he's big. I asked for his heart rate and he said he couldn't get a good reading but it was beating and that's what mattered. After leaving I called another doc at my clinic for a second opinion and she also said oh that's all normal. I don't feel like high bp, swelling and a nonstop headache is normal but they won't do anything except give me a Tylenol. Please someone tell me is this right? I'm in tears worried!!