Cat-Dog? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Kay β€’ Cheesecake
For some odd reason my dog keeps eating cat litter, I keep my dog well fed he will get done eating and go eat cat litter as a desert or something πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ has this situation ever happened to anyone ? If so how do I get my dog to stop ! Any advice? 
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There is a powder you get from the vet & sprinkle it on your cats food. It makes the poop not smell as appealing (as gross as that sounds lol). My dog used to do the same thing. We used the powder for a week or so & she hasn't done it since. It's only like $10!


Posted at
My puppy used to do that, and if I put the litter low she still will. Dogs just like to eat shit! Haha. I had to put my cats litter box up higher! 


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Try a baby gate with a cat door 


Kay β€’ Aug 24, 2016
That's so smart ! Thank you so much .


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He's probably eating the kitty poop lol πŸ˜‚


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Get a litter box with a lid.


Kay β€’ Aug 24, 2016
I have one it's like circle shaped and my dog crawls in there anyway like its his box πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


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We refer to them as Scooby snacks... All of our dogs race to eat the cats turds... So nasty. It's because the cats food is more flavorful leading to a tasty (to them) turd... Bleh!!!