Our little boy Leo was born last night ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’šOn 8/22 at 9 am, I came in for a scheduled induction as I w...

Our little boy Leo was born last night ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š
On 8/22 at 9 am, I came in for a scheduled induction as I was 41 weeks. Once they finally got contractions going (after two rounds of Miso) they started me on oxytocin. They had to stop it a few times because his heart beat kept dropping during contractions. I ended up going no where with contractions that day. Tuesday they broke my water (which they had to do again later on Tuesday because the membrane had covered it back up.) to try and move things along and had me on oxytocin again. I got up to 7 cms, -1 and a lot was going on (babies hb was dropping and I had to change positions constantly trying to make him more comfortable.) Nothing seemed to work and he got worse. He also had a bowel movement inside at some point after they broke my water the second time. They decided at 10 pm, after roughly 30 hours of labor that we needed to do a c-section. This is our third child. The first two were vaginal deliveries with epidural. ย Iย was terrified, shaking and crying. Thankfully I had my amazing husband there with me to calm me down and assure me everything would be fine. โค๏ธ They took me back and everything was done in under an hour. Baby Leo came out weighing 9 lbs 15 ounces, (2 lbs bigger than his 2 sisters before him๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ˜ณ) 20 inches long BUT with his cord wrapped around his neck, shoulders and feet!! We're all doing great now and are so excited that he's finally made his grand appearance ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ now for recovery...