sex drive

Ashley • Hi!! We have a 4 year old daughter Liliana Sue n our 🌈Savannah Grace is almost 10 months now!
Ok so LO is almost 4 months old (aug5th) but I still have NO desire to have sex. My husband is getting frustrated but he just doesn't understand. We've had sex maybe 2or 3 times since Liliana was born. We tried this morning... He was trying to grope me while nursing her n I told him it was weird n to stop. After she ate I put her in a toy n we were gonna do it but he got mad saying he could tell I wasn't into it. Which I wasn't but was gonna fake it to make him happy. Apparently I didn't do a very good job lol we didn't even start before he got mad and said forget it. I don't know what to do!! I want the intimate part of our relationship back but I just don't feel it when all I do is take care of the baby the dogs and the house. I mean how am I suppose to feel sexy or anything when that's  ALL I do! Is it just me?!?! I don't know what to do!!