Scariest time ever..😞

Ok ladies.. this is some crazy stuff. I have been bleeding for 11 days now. It has been way heavier then normal. I normally wear regular size and I've had to wear super plus and pads and still bleeding through them both. On day 8 of period I ran out of tampons so I asked my hubs to take me to Walmart to get tampons because I just used my last one. We went to Walmart and when we got out I told him I bled through the one I had on. So we grabbed a box of tampons and I took one out and ran to the bathroom before blood was everywhere. As I went pee i lost a HUGE blood clot so I cleaned up and went to tell hubs about it. As I did I felt sick, light headed, dizzy, and feverish. Mind you this is only 2 min from going to bathroom. As I told him I felt blood come out again. He said we should just go so I could go lay down. We get to the check out down at the garden center and I got extremely dizzy so he told me go ahead and go to the car. I made it just to the sliding doors before losing my vision so I squatted and waited for hubs to walk with me. He came to me and I got my vision back for 3-5 steps and lost it again. He told me close my eyes and he'd guide me to the car. I still tried walking then my legs when numb. I remember getting mid way through the outside part of the garden center but I guess we made it to the middle of the cross walk and I passed out. My eyes never closed and my body stiffened. My hubs said I was out for at least 3 min and Walmart workers we nice trying to help hubs with me. He laid me on a wood palette and a worker got a bag of dirt to lay my head on and Walmart workers got a fan, water bottles, and called an ambulance. I went to the hospital and found out nothing. Doctors appt. tomorrow so please wish me luck and keep me in thoughts and prayers. Also I had a miscarriage in June and a normal period in July. Very nervous to find out what's going on with me...