I've never been treated so badly at a Dr's office..

Ok, so I went in to talk about my weight gain, how it's impacting me mentally, how I think Levothyroxine is causing all these bad side effects, my stretch marks and how bad my moods and sex drive have been. She asked why I'm not working out more(I work out 4+ times a week) and that what I can/am doing isn't enough and I told that right now I just can't afford a gym membership and I'm limited on a lot of exercises people do at home and that I can't even walk around the block by myself right now because of my tremors and other brain damage caused by strokes when I was 15. Well long story short, she did nothing, not even look at my stretch marks, blamed me for my weight and said there's no reason I should be gaining weight if I'm doing what I'm saying I'm doing and if my thyroid levels are controlled. So she called me a liar who is just self pitying and trying to get others to feel bad for me. Also she said I don't really have tremors and that I'm either making them up or they are anxiety induced (which they are at some level, they are referred to as absent tremors; sometimes they are there, sometimes not) and could be completely controlled by anti anxiety medication (they can't) and was SURE I would get better going to physical therapy, also that people with tremors can get themselves up and walk again if they fall like I was "claiming" I couldn't do. So I explained to her that the movement disorder clinic also said PT wouldn't do much more for me after a certain point (what Tyler, my husband, would explain again because he wasn't there with me until I asked him to come back because I was in tears). She asked me "well if you have tremors, why didn't I see them when you were walking down the hall? If you have tremors you would also still be having seizures and the tremor would be there all the time." 
At this point she's accusing me of lying, suggesting things I'm not physically able to do even after explaining it over and over, suggesting things I already know and not helping me with my other things like looking at my stretch marks.
So I ask ty to come in because I'm in tears and trying not to just fucking scream at her. So Tyler comes in and confirms I do fall often and can't get up on my own if I'm unable to get to a couch or chair (so she asked why don't I just crawl home if I fall, ok wtf kind of question is that?). I explain the things I can do (like swimming) but have to clear my schedule for the next day if I have to work or something because it makes me weak the next day and I don't want to fall and make the 6 year old I watch have to call the police or mentally fucking scar her if I have a seizure from over exerting myself, to which she replies "so if you're afraid of that, what makes you think you should ever have kids of your own? You can't call in sick from your kids." NO SHIT. I used to watch FOUR boys and the second youngest asked me if he needed to help me up (cute but wouldn't work lol) or if he needed to call someone(he was 3 or 4 at the time). I also walked around with my friend's baby a lot both newborn and 8 months old so yes even though I'm scared that will happen with my kids, I will be more careful with them and teach them who to call 911 if mommy doesn't wake up after falling. I've fallen with kids around so I stay sitting on the floor till I relax enough I can pull myself up with the nearest object. Then she said to me and ty that if he has to take care of me like this the rest of his life, we won't last 10 years or we will and I'll make him miserable and he probably fell in love with me because he wanted to fix me and didn't fully understand my disabilities when we got married... Commenting about me having kids and my MARRIAGE and accusing me of faking an illness caused by a stroke is not ok.