Potential trigger warning *photo in comments*

Tracey • www.sincerelytracey.com
Okay so I took an HPT on Saturday and it was clearly positive. I was officially late for my period. Well, Monday I started spotting brown/pink and turned to blood over the course of the day and by Tuesday night i passed this (pictured). I am 4w 6d today. I went to OB today (that happened last night) and my cervix was fully closed and the midwife didn't see any sign of bleeding. I have now stopped. No cramps or anything. My midwife wasn't concerned and seemed as if everything looked great since my cervix was closed. I just miscarried in late June, so I've been a wreck. I'm just confused as if I did miscarry yesterday, wouldn't my cervix have opened? Would it have been closed less than 12 hours later? Last MC I bled for a week or so straight. I know everytime is different, but just curious based on everyone else's experiences. My midwife tends to think this will be a normal pregnancy and I will get my hormone levels back tomorrow (HCG and progesterone). Has anyone experienced anything similar and had a normal pregnancy? Please and thanks.. Will add pic in comments.