Anyone else feel like this???

I am 37 weeks pregnant with Baby# 2. I have been having painful contractions. (Not Braxton Hicks) They've been verified by my doctors too. But they're not painful enough or strong enough for me to go to Labor & Delivery in my opinion. They haven't checked my cervix and I'm due for an induction next week due to health issues. I can hardly walk and it is so painful when I do walk. Does anyone else have this pain when they walk? I keep thinking maybe it is because she's head down, maybe it is because I've already dilated and stuff, or maybe it is her going into the birth canal. I have no clue, but never experienced this with my first. One of my nurses said its lightening (when the baby is going into the birth canal) But I don't know. She didn't check or anything, she was just guessing. Thankfully I have an NST today and 2 next week before she's born. They always do an ultrasound, so I'm hoping I remember to ask.