Missed my Surge?

Hannah • Canadian momma to a 5 year old boy, 3.5 year old boy and 1 year old girl 💛💛💛 expecting baby number four August 8th, 2021
Hey ladies, I'm brand new here but I never get much response on my other apps so here goes.. I've been tracking my ovulation using opks and last month got a strong positive on cd10. This month I started testing a couple times a day on cd8 and for around 4 days I got veryyy close to a positive but not quite. Today the test line started fading. Assuming I just missed my surge and I still ovulated, when should i assume it happened?? I'm new at feeling my cervical position but yesterday it felt high soft and open and today is feeling more firm but still high and openish.. So did I ovulate yesterday? The day before? Any input would be so appreciated!