He's here !!!😍👶

King Khalil Louis arrived at 7:50 am this morning weighing 8lbs 10oz and 20.5 inches long. Went into my ob Tuesday to get a sweep at 2:45, was at 3.5cm dilated. Had irregular contractions that started about 2 hours after the appt. Went to the mall did some shopping and by 6 they were starting to regulate. By time my SO and me went to dinner they were 5min apart. Around 11 after the meal went to l and d where they checked me and I was at 5cm. Was admitted and chose to get an epidural due to horrible back labor at the point. Contractions started to space out around 1 am to 4-5. They broke my water hoping to get me to dilate more. After no change they have me pitocin to gets the contractions closer together and stronger. I fell asleep around 2 and they woke me up around 7 30 tell me I was at 10cm and +2 station and that it was time to push After only about 10 minutes of pushing. My LO was here. He latched on quickly to my boobs and was lifting and holding his head up to see what was going on.