My birth story😁👶🏽💙(LONG STORY)

I woke up Sunday morning after tossing and turning all night and only sleeping for 4 hours total throughout the night. I went out for lunch with my mother, sister, and my uncle to say goodbye to my uncle before he went back home to San Francisco. I came home around 1pm and decided to take a nap. I had light cramping before I fell asleep but I assumed it was from all the running around I did. I woke up around 3pm with the urge to go pee. When I stood up there was a gush of fluid, I thought I peed on myself. Every step I took more and more fluid was running down my leg soaking the floor and towel between my legs on the way to the bathroom. I realized that I didn't pee on myself when I went to the bathroom and was able to empty my bladder. After calling my doctor I decided to go to drive myself to the hospital I get checked out since I was group b strept positive. After being examined it was confirmed that I did break my water and I was 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. After getting to my room I started having light contractions. At 9pm we decided to start pitocin due to the risk of infection. That's when my contractions became extreme and irregular. Some contractions were back to back for 10-15 minutes straight and some had a break in between. After suffering for hours, doctors finally approved me to get an epidural at 2am since I was only dilated 2cm and could barely breathe through the contractions. The epidural didn't kick in for an hour and a half, it took 3 doses for it to work. After the second dose my legs and butt were numb but my stomach wasn't so I was still feeling contractions. Once the epidural kicked in I thought I was going to get some rest. I slept for an hour before they informed me at 3am that my son's heart rate was dropping with every contraction so they were stopping the pitocin and were going to monitor him closely. If it continued to happen I was going to need a c-section. I couldn't sleep after hearing that. Around 6am I started to get concerned that I was starting to feel some contractions even though I was on the epidural. The nurse came and checked me then said "I feel the head!! You're 10cm!! Your son is coming!" I frantically called everyone to come back to the hospital and at 7:15 I started pushing. At 7:30am my son Malik Hill Jr. came into the world weighing 8 lbs 0 oz 19.25 inches long. As soon as he came out he started screaming until he was put onto my chest😁😁 he opened his eyes as soon as he heard his father's voice. He was so alert and active when he came out. An hour later he latched perfectly. I am so in love 😍😍 he is so healthy for being born at 37 weeks and 4 days💙 sorry for the long story but I can't stop telling it ! August 22, 2016 was the best day of my life👪💕