
Does anyone else feel like this or is it just me?
My husband goes to work Monday to Friday from 5am-3pm he works hard and I love that. I also work Monday till Friday but I only work 4 hours a day. We have a 2 nearly 3 year old I do everything for. I don't drive I walk him 30 minutes 3 times a week to nursery. I also make sure the housework is always done, washing, I do all the gardening, cook all the meals as well as walk two pointers. I leave the house at 9/9.30am and don't get back in properly from doing everything till the dog walk is finished at around 8.30-9pm. He moans he is tired all the time I get that his job is hard. I bake for a living for school meals I push out around 1,000-1,500 portions of cake a day! As well as being a mum to what feels like four people and he is contantly moaning. I just feel like he doesn't understand that I'm tired too he says well you haven't done very much today and just doesn't get why I'm giving him a death stare. Like seriously I've cleaned the house you could eat the meal I've cooked off the god damn floor. The dogs have been walked bathed and fed because one of them rolled in something and I'm sat there like really I did nothing I'd love to pick and charge car batteries all day. Stupid ass hat! Sorry just needed to rant I love that man but he's been pushing my buttons.