Possible Ectopic?

I went for my first ultra sound yesterday. I am 6 weeks and 5 days since my last period. The OB could not find anything in my uterus when doing the ultra sound. He did say he may have seen something in my left tube which would indicate an ectopic pregnancy, he wasn't too sure though. They took some blood from me ( they will call me today and give me the results) and asked me to come back Friday and see if the HCG doubles. I'm completely nervous! I've had 4 miscarriages and this time I swear I thought this was it! I haven't had any pain, except for some normal period like cramps, I have not spotted or have had any sort of bleeding. I've had no ectopic symptoms at all! Could this still be an ectopic? Or maybe could I be early in my pregnancy than I originally thought. I only tested positive with a home pregnancy test after being 10 days late, every test before hat was negative. I'm freaking out! 😔😔