How much did you bleed after sex? First tri

Have any of you ladies bled after sex in the first trimester? I'm 5 weeks 3 days today. 2 days again hubby and I had sex. Since then I've been bleeding. Light bleed. Not spotting. Not super heavy either. No clots. No cramping. No backaches. Nothing. I called my doctor and she didn't seem worried about it. Didn't want me to come in. I didn't even come in to confirm pregnancy and check levels etc. So after I called her about the bleeding she said to just wait and see basically. Which is fine but still would've liked to come in and check to make sure everything is good. I don't think I'm mis carrying because no pain or clots. I know sex can't cause a miscarriage and I wouldn't have bled if we didn't have sex. Maybe I do have a super sensitive uterus. Anyone experience anything similar? I'm trying not to stress and worry but it's hard. I have my 8 week appointment in a few weeks so I'm really hoping everything is good and my body is just weird and crazy lol.