Full of resentment.

So I moved in into my fiance mom's house when I was 3 months pregnant . I finally kinda finished nesting and now problems start I don't feel comfortable in this house. My fiance mom wanted me to move hear but I feel she only wants me hear for once the baby's born for the baby to be her new accessorie she can brag about to her family in Mexico. And my fiance sister \ God daughter well she's just a littlepassive aggressive bitch. . I've tried to hard to feel comfortable. Assuring myself that it's just in my head. Yesterday I made a late night snack and wanted to share with them. So I knock on the door we also share a bathroom with the only shower in the house that is inside the room that my mother in law and God daughter share. (2 rooms 1 1/2 bathroom total) it's a small condo. As I knock I hear my God daughter say what the fuck do they want now. I've given this little girl so much, she my God daughter. both my fiance and his sister grew up. With an abusive dad that they are both scared of. My God daughter I've taken her to Disneyland multiple times given her money bought her clothes given her endless advise and now that I live hear all she dose is ignore me and act like she's scared of me. Also last week my fiances dad though it was a good idea to call me lazy cuz I wanted a new washer and dryer. Then texted my fiance. that told me, he suggested he dose not marry me anymore because I don't want to do the laundry. I'm not a girl that hold back emotions but I've been holding them back for months well I had a total anxiety attack yesterday I'm a week from haveing my baby and it looks like I'm going to have to move back to my parents house wich is larger and more comfortable to Begin with. I'm so angry I moved hear gave up my dog that's like my baby so my fiance could keep his dog that he dose not take care of and I can't cuz that dog just likes to attack me and jump on top of me, I gave up space in my parents house we get 2 rooms not just 1. I gave up the help of my parents I gave up so much to make this work now my fiance is telling me we should move to my parents house a week before I get induced. Ive had such a hard pregnancy I had extreme morning sickness and now I have cholistasis and have to be induced early now you want to move back? I'm just so beyond angry. I hate everybody at this point. I want to move back to my parents house but now I have to move all the furniture and renest I'm getting enduced at the end of next week. Idk even know what house I'm going to take my baby home to. I have this burning rage idk how to control. I need help. I just want to cry. I just want to give my daughter the best possible but I feel so stuck. I resent my fiance fir leaving me in thus house all the time I resent him for not defending me he need to grow a pair I'm his future wife and mother of his child help me out hear. I can't move and do everything I'm about to have a baby fir goodness sakes. And yesterday when I told him all of this he just cried cuz he did not want to get rid of his dog wich I love dogs I understand but be a Dam man already your not 15 anymore. Rant over.