I don't know what's going on...

Bonnie • November Mommy. 💙
I know you can't visually see anything but right where the circle is, I have been experiencing some "heart burn" or "sandpaper" type feelings. (I've had heart burn once in my life, but this isn't heart burn at all!) It hurts to the touch, and occasionally hurts when I'm just sitting here, doing nothing. It's under the skin. My actual skin is fine, not rough, or doesn't "hurt or burn" to the touch - just underneath. 
It's not completely unbearable but it's definitely uncomfortable and makes me have a 😖 type of face when I feel it. 
It's a pretty constant pain.. Other times it's a lot sharper than the constant. 
It could very well be nothing. I meant to mention it to my doctor yesterday but she was behind on appointments and seemed kinda rushy so it slipped my mind ..
Baby has been moving fine. Eating has been fine. I can do everything normally .. The pain is just - there! 
Can anyone give me any reassurance that it's nothing major.. Or?