Failed induction story... Anyone else?

Just spent four days at the hospital for a planned induction due to my age (40) and past birth with severe meconium aspiration when she was born at 41 weeks. Still pregnant and was sent home to wait for things to happen naturally! So disappointing.
Monday I was given two oral doses of cervical ripening agent (cytotec). Not much happened and I was sent home after entire day there attached to monitors and stuck in bed. 
Tuesday was given two more doses. Again stuck in hospital bed most of the day. Still no change, sent home. 
Wednesday I had dilated to 1 and was 59% effaced. I was given one more dose vaginally and cervix went to 2 cm and 70% effaced. 
Then they moved me over to labor and delivery ward to start Pitocin. Spent all Wednesday night and Thursday morning from 8 pm to 8 am on Pitocin. They gave me the max dose allowed but it never got labor started. 
Discussed the option of breaking my water but cervix wasn't ready enough. And doing so can lead to a c section which would be silly since baby and I are both healthy. 
So after four days in the hospital, seeing tons of happy parents leaving with their babies and hearing many "first cries" of babies being born around me, I was sent home to wait for things to happen naturally. If not by Monday they will try to induce again. 
I'm grateful not to have ended up with a c section. But very sad to walk out of the hospital without a baby. 
Wanted to see if there is anyone else out there who experienced a failed induction? And if so and if you went naturally how much longer did you wait?
Appreciate it!