First lap surgery recovery!

Wanted to share what my recovery has been like thus far. I am 1dpo from surgery. At first, the surgery seemed like a success without complications. My throat was incredibly soar from the breathing tube. The nurse said there was blood on it when she removed it. During my recovery at the hospital, one of my incisions started squirting blood and had to be stitched. This was fine. They froze it and I didn't feel a thing. I have 5 incisions, all takes up except for the one. Result: Mild endo, which was extensive, but superficial. My left ovary is suspended to prevent post-op adhesions. I will have this stitch released in 1 week. Uterus, ovaries, and tubes look good! Had the HSG, no blockages. 
I was in the hospital recovery for 4 hours. Then was discharged, but they did not check to ensure I could properly urinate before my release. This is an important protocol! Please make sure you go to the washroom before leaving. I only realized I couldn't pee until I got home. I quickly started to develop intense pain as my bladder was so distended. Had to go to the ER and have a catheter to drain 750ml of urine! They sent me home and said my bladder should start working. Two hours later after only having a few sips of water, I was back in crippling pain. Back to the ER again. Drained another 700ml. Now I have a foley with a bag which I have to empty. Not fun! Surgeon may try to remove it tomorrow or in 3 days to see if my bladder can function properly on its own. 
Other than all of this, I am quite sore. Similar pains to what I experienced with endo. Pulling sensation and sore. It is tolerable. I can only take extra strength Tylenol because of this urinary issue, which sucks. You will definitely need help for the first few days. It is hard to get around and get out of bed or laying down. Ive been sleeping a lot and have little swelling. I've been trying to walk around a lot though. Hoping for a speedy recovery and to have control of my bladder once more! And then on to baby making! Fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone else!