Does he still love me?

I've been in a relationship with a guy now for 1 1/2 years. We have a 5 month old son. And lately he's just been standoff-ish somedays he'll be lovey and sweet and it'll stay like that for a couple days and then all of the sudden it just changes and we argue more and he starts getting defensive and he acts like he doesn't want to touch me. We live together so I generally am cuddly and lovey so I hate when he doesn't give me the attention I need. (And I know how that sounds but I'm just a generally insecure person so I just get needy and need a lot of reassurance) and I also know I have my problems too, I can be bossy and I yell for dumb things sometimes but not to make excuses I hardly get any sleep. I can get annoying and come off as too much sometimes and I know that, but it's just weird how he can be okay with it one day and then be angry and annoyed the next..