Thank you Jesus. I got so blessed today.

I get excited over little things ... So I'm having my second child . My first one last year I had sooooo many complications with, she came early from preeclampsia the whole nine . Well this baby looks great I'm feeling a tad better than last time but I wanted a Doppler just for peace of mind . I had money to order one but the shipping should take a week (which was fine) but I would have preferred to pick it up in store (which they aren't really sold in stores) so my last attempt before ordering was reaching out to my local mommy group on Facebook to ask if any of them were selling one I could pick up yesterday or today . I got NO replies yesterday and was gonna order today . I checked Facebook one more time and a mom commented saying she had one and wanted to give it to me for FREE !!! and guess what she happened to live right next door literally  ! What are the chances ?! And it was one of the best kinds of dopplers almost brand new sonoline b !!! I tried to pay her and she absolutely refused . I am so thankful and I hope after this baby I can pay it forward to another local mama !