Aggressive two year old while pregnant

Kaitlin • Wife 👰 | LEB 👧🏼| JEB 👦🏼| GEB 👶🏼| 🤰Baby #4
I posted a few days ago about how I had just accepted a new position at my work being a two year old preschool teacher. I'm really excited but have now heard many stories about one of the kids in the class. Apparently he kicked his last teacher in the stomach and she was pregnant as well. He's also just generally aggressive to anyone and isn't afraid to kick or punch anyone or anything in sight. My boss wants me to work closely with this child and I am now very worried about my decision to take the position. I don't want to risk my daughter. I could mainly use some advice, this is my first child and I don't know how hard I would have to be hit for it to hurt my baby. I know things are pretty well cushioned in there... I'm talking to my doctor about it before I officially start.