Preterm Labor


Alright ladies...I've kinda had it!! I've been in preterm labor for going on 5 weeks now. I've had all the meds they are going to give me to try to stop it, including the steriods for babies lungs. Doc says whatever happens, happens.. I just got to 35 weeks today. I'm having more symptoms but with the way things have been, I was told to only come in if my contractions get more intense. With all the contractions I've had, my body is already very sensitive. Anyway... I'm going to give you all my current symptoms and any advice will be appreciated!

My contractions are about 1 1/2- 2 1/2 minutes apart (they have been 3-6 minutes apart for the last few weeks. Last check up, I was Dilated 2cm, 75% effaced and baby was at -1. Today I've had severe diarrhea along with the contractions. Lots of pressure. I lost my mucus plug already last week.

I guess I'm frustrated because I really don't know how long to wait anymore. Like I said, it's hard to tell exactly how intense these contractions are due to having them for so long. Might sound messed up but it is what it is.

Any input????