29 yr old Bf who likes to hang til 2 am??

My boyfriend and I recently moved into our current apartment almost two weeks ago.
He also just got a job working as a server. I am not working now, but instead am going to nursing school full-time.
Literally every other night or every night, my boyfriend's friends come over late at night (I'm talking 11pm) or my boyfriend heads out around 10pm and doesn't get home til 2-3 am the next morning. His friends will also often spend the night occasionally. Is there anything wrong with this?
Personally, it bothers me because my bf is damn near thirty and thinks life is all about hanging and having a good time. Now, don't get me wrong. Nothing is wrong with hanging out a couple times a week, but when I feel like when you are in a relationship you can't be a "frat" boy so to speak.
To add on, my bf is talking about trying again for a baby and getting married within the year. I told him it wasn't possible because of his lifestyle now, but he thinks it would be okay to leave the house around 10pm and not get back home til 2-3 am the next day.
My boyfriend's argument is that I don't want him to hang out and I'm trying to control him. That isn't the case at all, but it's hard to study and concentrate when you have guys yelling and screaming and walking across your bedroom to go a patio to smoke. It's like my boyfriend is living the single life all over again because that's how he used to live when he was alone. We've been together almost 2 yrs and he was never like this before. I just don't see how you can be okay heading out every night to a pool hall, not getting back til 3 am and then wanna turn around and talk about having a family. Can the two be balanced?
My boyfriend also comments that all I do is study and he is bored. After work, he spends his time playing video games and will head out again and not come back til the next morning. He asked me to come along, but told him I'm sensitive to the smoke in pool halls. He told me that I was boring and never wanted to do anything fun.
Again, in no way am I trying to control him, but I feel like you have to balance the two and he isn't doing that. Every night you aren't coming home til 2 am or your friends are spending the night? And then you want to turn around and talk about bringing a baby into the mix of it?
Oh! To add I am 23 and he's 29. 
Anyone else have experiences with this?