Someone tell me I'm crazy

So my son is only 2.5 months old, and I'm pretty emotional. Sometimes I think I have ppd, but only because I get angry at everything, everything irritates me(I live with roommates who have two kids and all the little boy does is scream, and the parenting is like slim to none for these kids, it drives me insane). However, even through all the emotions and irritability, I still want another baby. I don't even know why, like the timing would be awful, not to mention I'm still trying to get my figure back, I hate being so hormonal on top of being so uncomfortable towards the end. All I know is I learned so much during my last pregnancy that I can't wait to do things differently with my next one, also I want a little girl(I know there's no guarantee, but we can try). Dad doesn't want one for awhile and I'm trying to be good about taking my birth control till my refills run out next June to try again. Is it normal for me to feel this way? I'm a FTM and just need some support, maybe advice. Please refrain from the negativity, thank you☺️