Ectopic or no?

Tamara • Mommy to my 2 beautiful baby boys, Nathan Louis💙 born August 12, 2017 and Parker Joseph May 6, 2019❤️ My whole world😍
People who have an ectopic pregnancy... Please tell me your symptoms and if this seems like one 😢 I just don't want to have any surgery. I never had one before and just so afraid of them.. I had spotting yesterday so I went to the ER after work and they had found nothing on the transvaginal ultrasound and said it was good that my numbers were going up... Well I got home and looked at my numbers was 8/20 which was 137 and last night being 217. Well me being me I looked online and they're supposed to double every 2 days.. Well mine obviously didn't. So is this a miscarriage or what? I'm wiping blood like everytime now (even though the past few hours it's just been blood.. Instead of discharge.. and yesterday was just 3 times of bloody discharge . According to my last period date (July 13) I would be 6 weeks pregnant..... And I took a preg test earlier today and the first line was lighter than it has been...