Can I vent?

ShiAnna • #1 May 2017 & Rainbow baby on the way! 🌈
I can't help but envy so many people.. In high school alllllll of my best friends had babies. Literally, I was in high school so I didn't care. Now I'm an adult, married to the love of my life & on our own with our own house.. I want my baby so bad! Lately once again everyone on my Facebook is pregnant.... It hurts me so much. None of their babies were planned, none of em are married, some of em won't even let their baby daddy into the child's life.. It's so unfair. My husband & I want this so bad, but it seems the people who don't want them end up pregnant first... I just pray our month comes soon.. I stay up late every night on this app just looking at everyone's positives, & looking up baby stuff on pinterest.. It gets hard. Baby dust to you all✨