I will never get induced ever again! Please wait if you can.

Cierra🐯🎀 • Momma to Harlyn Grace 🍼🎀
So I had my little girl June 21st, two months ago. I chose to get induced at 39 weeks for the simple fact that I was tired of being pregnant and ready to have her. I was in labor for 24 LONG painful hours before having it and up in a csection. My babies heart rate dropped severely every time I had a contraction and the nurses were constantly in my room flipping me over and moving me into different positions to see of it would help. At one point a bunch of them came rushing in my room and flipped me over and put an oxygen mask on me telling me to breathe hard. I had no idea what was going on, afterwards they told me I might have to end up having a c section. My daughter wasn't handling my contractions well at all. After 24 hours it all ended in an emergency c section. I'm so surprised I didn't go into shock when they were doing the c section, my best friend was in the operating room with me and she said I was freaking out and shaking like crazy. However it was all worth it at the end because my little girl came out healthy as ever! But I will never force my next baby to try and come out until they are ready. It was a long hard and scary process. Not to mention those contractions were freaking HORRIBLE!!! LMAO! But basically if you can wait it out, please do. Unless its a medical issue, Dont get induced just because your tired of being pregnant. Now I have to have a c section with all my next babies since I had one with her.