Breastfeeding questions!

Hello everyone! I'm new to the group and just got discharged and have been home for about 5 hours.
I am only breastfeeding and in the hospital he was consistently eating every 2-4 hours depending on the day due to blood tests, circumcision etc. His last good feeding started at 10:45am and lasted about a half hour. Since getting home he has not been interested in eating at all and has been napping for a majority of the time only waking up when we change him and attempt to feed. He will latch on for a minute or so and then drift back to sleep.
He is still popping and peeing, I'm just concerned that it has been almost 6 hours
Has anyone else had this happen? Is he just super sleepy because it's been such a crazy day? We see the pediatrician today so I'll be able to ask them but figured I'd see if anyone else had a similar thing happen to them
I'm a first time mom so bare with me!