Bad Period Cramp Hack

I get awful period cramps. 
(There have been times I have even thrown up. I get hot and cold. I usually cannot go to school or work. I can barely walk. Cannot get comfortable. Usually sleep most of the day or are exhausted if I don't or can't cause I cannot get comfortable. I have to pop avil or midol ever few hours. I get diarrhea sometimes. Lastly I could not leave my heating pad for long.)
 If this sound like you in the slightest way I have found a solution that doesn't take cramps away 100% but defiantly does make them calmer. 
With this app it can help you see when your next period is, which by the way is awesome!! 
I used to us Advil bit avil is meant for pain and not muscle which is what is causing pain. Cramps are caused by muscles basically getting over excited and pushing blood out to rapidly. So I can you underecite your cramps? I take Aleve becaus it's meant to relax muscles but I don't take it the day my period starts. I take it 2 days before and then again on my first day. It may sound crazy but since the medicine has been in your system for a while it works faster and helps the pain not be as rapid. It helps the muscles calm down. Now, I also take Midol with it because it's meant for periods. I have asked my doctor and it is perfectly safe to take both at the same time. Usually after that I can live my life. May get small pains throughout the day as a reminder to take my meds again but never enough to make it stop living my life. I thought I would share my Period Hack so that other girls with really bad cramps like me can still live there life. Anyways, hope you have a easier period this time girlfriend! God bless.