Bbt questions..advice please 💕

WorthyOfLove this is my first full cycle charting...I didn't understand it until recently... (definitely recommend reading taking charge of your fertility - helped me understand bbt a lot more). bbt does run low...pre ovulatory is in 96 range and post ovulatory is 97 range. I know this can indicate a thyroid issue but it has not been long since I had that checked and it was fine..and bbt was low then.

Anyways..moving on...2 questions as I'm confused on if I O'd on CD 13 (when I got positive opk?)..or the next day when my temp rose..Or not until my temp was above coverline?

Secondly, in previous BFN tww's I've had much higher bbts than what I am having now - does that mean I'm likely out - or is it okay as long as they remain above coverline? They just seem to be SO close to the coverline 😢😣😟

Thank you so so much in advance!!