Here we go...*update*


Update-started cervadil at 530 pm last night and had a rough time trying to sleep as it caused some pretty legit contractions constantly. Got some stadol around 11 to help me sleep and bless my soul that stuff made me loopy as all get out, but it did take the edge off enough to sleep a few hours. As of 530 am cervadil came out. Only dilated to 1cm and 50% effaced (completely closed when I came in) so they started me on pitocin. Will up every 30 minutes as needed. I'm praying this works however I honestly don't care what happens as long as 1) my baby is healthy and 2) I get an epidural sometime soon after I've shown progession! 😩😧

Went in for my regular 37 week appt and nst. After 15 minutes on the monitor with no movement they buzzed my belly and pushed around on her to get her to move. She moved a few times but heart rate was high and she was still being lazy. Doc sent me to l and d to get an ultrasound and see the maternal/fetal medicine doc for some more info and based on my ultrasound my placenta is grade 3 and worn out so they're taking her today. Please keep us in your prayers as this is probably going to be a long process again (i was induced at 38 weeks with my son due to gd and it was 36 hrs) and I just want her to be ok.