Annoyed 😒

So I moved in with my boyfriend after I found out I was pregnant and he was already living by himself before hand. It's just been rough these past few months because he's very stubborn and likes to do things his own way and keep things the same which is totally understandable since he was here by himself before I came in the picture. Sometimes it can be hard to adjust to sharing/having things with someone. But honestly I've been stressing so much about us not agreeing on basically anything for the house we both have different mindsets on stuff like where things should go for the baby or how to organize. We live in small place so it's not a ton of space but I'm just getting really frustrated because I'm supposed to be the one who takes care of the house cleans etc and he works which is what we do I'm not working right now or in school nor do I have a car so I just don't feel secure because everything is and was his before I came and he makes comments sometimes that hurt my feelings in not taking us serious as a family I feel like I'm going to have to buckle down and get my things in order so I can eventually have my own things and not have to worry about someone holding it above my head saying smart comments about what's what and blah blah. but once baby gets here I'm going back to school and getting a job etc. I'm trying my hardest to not stress so much about these things but it's annoying I mean if I'm staying at home all day taking care of baby and the house I should be able to set it up according to what's best for me and the baby at least some things I mean I will be the one at home all day with the baby. On top of that he doesn't/won't get the whopping cough vaccine and I've tried talking to him about it but he doesn't think it's serious. I feel like it's only fair because I had to get it and it's not about us it's about the baby. But I can't force anyone to do something they don't want to. I'm honestly just starting to let go and not give a care in the world I'm done stressing myself out. I'm just praying that things go smoothly once the baby gets here because we never agree on anything so I can't imagine how it will be with doing things a certain way with the baby etc 😪 I just need some hope cause I'm at my breaking point 🤒