My husband volunteered to go on a deployment without telling me

Moni • Mommy x3❤️ NC 📍 Wife 💍
My husband volunteered to go on a deployment without sitting down and fully discussing it with me. He says it will "better his career" and will make more money. He just came from a deployment 7 months ago and it was a total DISASTER. He was careless, and was following the single crowd. Not to mention he blew all the money and came back with NOTHING. I luckily drained the account before he could spend anything a month before he came home.. Otherwise we wouldn't even have been able to get a place to live!! So I'm pissed that he would VOLUNTEER to go on another one. We have a 2 year old who's birthday he's going to miss AGAIN and not to mention he will miss the birth of our new baby due in April. Shit like this is why military wives say fuck it and move on and why a lot of military marriages don't last. Be considerate in your marriage and talk to your spouse before you do what you want.