My boyfriend won't text me?

So my boyfriend and I are long distance and have been for a little less than 2 years. Looking back now, he used to be pretty good about texting (sending good morning/goodnight texts, at a minimum) but lately he never texts me and I always have to text him first and it's so annoying. He's the kinda guy who hates his phone and literally never has it on him. He is 110% aware of how much it bothers me but he doesn't change much.. Like last night we were on the phone so I was like okay promise that you'll text me in the morning before school (he started, I haven't yet) and he was like ok ok I will and he didn't. So I texted him breaking his balls (being sarcastic obviously, we joke around all the time) and he read it and didn't reply. I'm just annoyed, because how hard is it to send a frickin text?? I don't get it