Emergency delivery under general anesthesia

FTM here. I was scheduled for a C section this morning due to my baby being transverse. Wouldn't you know it, yesterday afternoon, less than 20 hours until the planned procedure, I started having contractions. They got to the 5-1-1 ratio REALLY fast- like within an hour. So we headed to the hospital (during DC rush hour 😒)
Got to the hospital, was told to wait in the lobby for a triage nurse. I got up to go to the bathroom, and BAM- I had a massive, Carrie-style water break right there in the lobby. Like seriously it seemed like gallons and gallons of fluid and plenty of blood, so that was horrifying. 
They get me back to triage to do a cervix check, and the resident goes "Oh! That's a leg." That's right... my baby's leg was hanging down into my vagina. They rush me back to the OR where they try 4 TIMES to set a spinal and none of them work. So I ended up having to deliver under general anesthesia- not ideal. 
So, just goes to show that not every FTM has a slow, typical, or late labor (I was 38+6 when this happened) And here I was thinking I would get to avoid labor pains with the calm, scheduled C section! Oh well, we now have our beautiful girl in our arms and that's all that matters ❤️