Torn about giving up breastfeeding

Ftm and little one and I got off to a bad start breastfeeding. I sawa lactation consultant but things still aren't going great. We are definitely playing catch up trying to get my supply to meet her demand, she'll still nurse but not great and seems to prefer the bottle now. We've been triple feeding for about 3 weeks total, supplementing w pumped Brest milk and formula.  Sometimes she gets a bottle only and that goes through my pumped breatmilk to the point I don't have any surplus. Now we might be dealing w a milk protein intolerance which means expensive formula and I'd have to cut dairy. It's all making me a little crazy and I think I might be having a little ppd over it all. Before she was born I thought that we'd try breastfeeding but if it didn't work I had no problem switching to formula. I feel like breastfeeding isn't working for us but I'm really sad now about giving it up. Help?