I came to the hospital to be induced at 7 am on tueseay

I came to the hospital to be induced at 7 am on tueseay.couldn't find the right vein to start the pitocin in. They broke my water. Then they started the pitocin at 8 am. I got an epidural around 12 pm. 18 hours later I was fully dilated and ready to
Push. Having to wait a few to push because a part of 
My cervix was apparently "swolen". Finally it was time to push and I was dosing in and out between pushes. Three hours of pushing, the doctor used a vacuum to speed up the process, and I got an episiotomy! Yay! I was exhausted from not eating since 6 am the day before and not having enough sleep. Finally at 4:54 am that Wednesday morning I saw my baby girl come out and was suddenly awake, and had never felt more in love in my whole life. 7lbs 8 oz. and 19 inches long! The first feeding was AMAZING. and I'd say the whole experience was a little rough but so well worth it and I would do it 100x over again for her!!! WELCOME KAIRI DO :)