3 days of pre labor but only 5 hours of real labor :p

Caitlin • Jacksons mommy 8/29/16. Braxton's mommy 1/31/18.
Friday morning I was having contractions 4-5 minutes apart so I called my doctor and went to L&D. I got there and was only 2.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced. They sent me home because I was contracting but not progressing. They told me to come back when they were more painful. I came back Saturday afternoon in more pain but was only 3.5 cm dilated and 80% effaced and still wasn't progressing quickly enough for them to admit me. They gave me Nubian (pain medicine) to help me sleep at home of Saturday night. They told me not to come back until I bled, was screaming in pain, or my water broke. So Sunday morning I passed a very large amount Of blood so I go back to the hospital and they tried to tell me it was just from checking me. All this time I was still having regular contractions  getting as close together as 1.5 minutes. So Sunday my contractions began to intensify even more. Early Monday morning I hadn't slept at all that night from such bad contractions but I was so scared to go back to the hospital and get sent home for a 4th time. So in between contractions I decided i was going to try to check myself. This was about 2:00 am. So I put my fingers up there and felt around. To me I still felt around 3.5 cm dilated but I could feel what I thought was my water sac. I felt so discouraged that I thought I still wasn't progressing even with being in so much pain. So I started to doze off and I was daydreaming about different idiotic and funny ways that I could break my own water like bungee jumping and horseback riding and stiff like that. Next thing I know I feel a pop in my uterus and I stand up out of bed and sure enough a bunch of liquid starts pouring down my legs at about 3:30 am. We go to the hospital and on the way my contractions intensify by 1,000 lol. When I got there they checked me and called me 6 cm dilated and 100% effaced this was at about 4:30 by the time we got there and got checked in. I had to get a whole bag of IV fluids before I could have my epidural. The bag lasted about 90 minutes and I swear that was the longest 90 minutes of my life. I then got my epidural which didn't hurt at all the worst part was having to stay so still while they put it in when I was having such intense contractions. They checked me again after I got my epidural around 6:30 at this point and they called me 10 cm and ready. I thought holy shit I was always told you get some time to rest after you got your epidural but nope not me. I got an hour to wait for the doctor and to let the epidural kick in all the way. And I pushed from about 7:30 until he was born. The pushing and actual giving birth was the least painful for me than the before and after pains. He's doing so well though. Also his nurses names were Lisa, Dani, and Jen and the 3 people at the hospital besides my husband and I were my MIL (named Lisa), my FIL (named Dan), and my mother (named Jen). ❤️😁