Lucas Kai Collins has joined the world!

Alissa • Lover of all things nature, a rich cup of coffee, long walks through Portland in the spring & my family. 🙌🏻💕☺️
Our little guy is 1 week old now. He came at 39 weeks exactly. Sometimes it feels like an epic saga to me. Here's our story. 
Luc had been breech since week 30 and I did everything under the sun to try to get him to turn: acupuncture, chiropractic work, deep connective tissue massage, ice on my belly/heat at my pelvis, essential oils, my husband would talk to him at my low pelvis, we'd play music, etc etc. Nothing worked and the inevitable time came to schedule a cesarean. 😑 This was a TOTAL change from "the birth plan". While all this was going on, I continued to advocate for us and turn over every stone and the question lingered---why couldn't we find a doc who would deliver vaginally? I started looking and found a couple of doctors that were known for doing breech vaginal births in town. After making contact, faxing over medical records, and trying to find a time to get a consultation about the breech vaginal delivery process, we got the news that the doctors wouldn't meet with us. 😔 Due to being late in the pregnancy, they couldn't guarantee they'd be the doctors on call when I went into labor and so that door closed and we officially realized we couldn't go that direction...another deep *sigh*
Our c-section was scheduled for week 40 and I became very serious about inducing our baby out naturally. My next goal was to have a couple of early hours of labor. Who knows, maybe he'd turn in those early hours?! It was worth a shot. I did acupuncture, acupressure, massage, ate some pineapple salad (!!), applied essential oils, and made love to my husband. I don't know if it was divine intervention or if my efforts paid off, but my water broke at 7am in our 39th week! 🎉
I called my midwife ecstatic! I couldn't believe it was happening! My husband rushed around and made breakfast, cleaned our house, and packed our hospital bags. After laboring for a a little over an hour at home, my midwife called to share that the hospital that we had scheduled the cesarean at was FULL (!!) and we'd have to pivot and go to another hospital. The birth plan changed yet again! 
I labored for 6 hours in total. After my waters broke, I was surprised how quickly my labor progressed. I loved every minute of it. Luc never did turn in those early hours and we got prepped for the cesarean. All went smoothly and he was born 8/24/16 at 1pm, 9.8lbs and 21" long. The docs did note that he was footling breech with his chord between his legs. He would have gotten stuck most likely if we had gone the vaginal delivery route. I'm so thankful we made the decisions we did and were able to keep stress levels low on Luc and I. 
It has been a magical journey so far and we are so thankful that he's here regardless of my birth plans and expectations. My pregnancy was emotionally taxing since I wanted to go all natural, but so many good lessons were learned along the way. I'm still processing and recovering from the cesarean today, but I'm completely blissed out and in love with being a new mom and seeing my family grow. 😍☺️