First response and Answer opk, I took one about a week and a half ago watched the tests progress and fade to negative so my question is, am I ovulating twice? Should I bd? Could a positive opk be an early pregnancy sign? Still in the 2 week wait.

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I think you are ovulating so be some times your body goes to ovulate but doesn't then it will give another lh surge and you will ovulate the only time a opks test shows up as a bfp is when you are over 10 weeks pregnant :) bd good luck 


Sim • Sep 3, 2016
Well you must be a lucky one then


Brittany • Sep 3, 2016
actually my opk was positive 2 days before missed period when i was pregnant. I am not only 5 weeks today and i took an opk just to see, and the line was VERY positive, it took almost all the dye for the test line and the control line was faint.