Hello World Meet my son 💙👶🏾

So I had an appointment on the 31. You know the regular prenatal appointment. When they checked my blood pressure it was high then 10 mins later they checked it again and it went up a little higher. I ask if I could get my cervix checked and I was 1 cm dilated. They told me to make an appointment for the next day to check my blood press again So after my appointment I started having contractions. But the pain level was at the mild level so I didn't go into the hospital or anything. So they next day I go to my appointment I had been up all night because of the contractions and they put me on the monitor and monitor baby's heart beat and checked my blood pressure every 20 mins. So my blood pressure went back to normal. And they told me I was having contractions and I told them I was aware and they asked did I feel them and asked the pain level and I said 5. So I went home ordered some pizza and then the pain of the contractions started to get a little more intense. I downloaded this app to count my contractions  so I started keeping track and it says to go to the hospital so I told hubby lets go we got to the hospital they hooked me and baby up to the monitor and my blood pressure was a tad bit high and baby heart rate was dropping. So they decided to admit me. I got the epidural. That thing is LLLIIIIFFFFFEEEEE I didn't feel anything but baby heart rate kept dropping no later what position they out me. And I was stuck at 3 cm so they decided to do a c section. It wasn't bad I was scared. But once I heard his cry I started bawling like a baby lol  so husband brought him over to me OMG he is somoerf ft we asked the nurses could they take pics I was looking ratchet so I  picked my fav one. Baby came out healthy 8 lbs 1 oz 18 in.