August turned september baby!

My original due date was August 22nd 2016, but I ended being 41w4d when I gave birth on September 2nd, 2016! I went in to be induced on September 1st at 10:30am, they checked me in and put me on cervadril at 1:30pm, it was supposed to stay in for twelve hours but baby's heart rate dropped so they took it out and put me on pitocin around 5:00, the pitocin was in until around 10pm and I was only dilated 3cm so I asked for the epidural because my contractions we're starting to get intense! An hour after I got the epidural baby's heart rate dropped again so they put me on oxygen and had me switch sides every 10 minutes, her heart rate wasn't going up and my heart rate was super high so they said I needed to have an emergency c-section which was the last thing I wanted to do! But at this point I just wanted my baby out and healthy! They took me in right away and I was terrified! The c-secrion didn't last more than 15 minutes when I heard my babygirls cry, and at that moment, she was all that mattered! Arabella Josephine was born on September 2nd,2016 at 1:47am weighing 7lbs12oz and 19 and a half inches long and I've never been more in love! 💕💕💕💕💕 Props to all the mommas who have had a cesarean because it is definitely painful and extremely draining!