body images

Ever felt like you're not good enough?... So i have recently been going through somthing with my best friend. She has a body image disorder and because of it , fell into a depression. She doesn't eat , and when she does she feels guilty , she's obsessed with abs and thigh gaps. Now i know that there is a lot of awareness about how "" society is ugly not you"" and how "" you are beautiful just the way you are"" ..... But they're just quotes , what about the people who have now started hating themselves for not looking like the people in the magazines?
.. My best friend wasn't the slimmest kid growing up , and she got bullied alot. She was called fat by many , eben her family. She's 16 now and she has slimmed down a lot , but still , she is never happy with herself. She has a such a beautiful figure and abs , but they're always either " not defined enough" , the thigh gap " doesn't have the gab i want" ..... I absolutely hate seeing her like this.
When it comes to me , i wasn't ever really fat ...i was always the stick. I don't have a curvy body , and it's really hard to feel femminine. I'm an inverted triangle body shape , so all the more not femminine. I bust my butt 24/7 trying to get a little definition in my behind and hips... 
And to top it of , i have scoliosis , my ribs are twisted so there is bearly any definition in my waist.
It is so hard growing up with all of these images and goals around us. We all want to achieve it , but not all of us can. It's not about diet and how hard you work, sometimes it's just genetically impossible or your body structure is not the same.
I just know there are many others going through something like this, some in a really bad state , some just fairly bothered by it. But you really shouldn't be hard on yourself. I know for a fact that anything i say or anyone else says won't help you feel better cause once you go infront of the mirror it will all come back to you.. But you really are beautiful , and no , you might not have a thigh gap , you might have one , you might not have abs , and you might have them , you might have curves , you might not have them , but what you have and don't have make you the person that you are , unique and valueble. Maybe a bit quirky and akward but still a beautiful woman.
Hope this made you smile or you related a bit. 
Stay healthy ❤️ and have a wonderful day 🙂