really bad day 😔 ( long story sorry )

Erica • 23 years old | Married to the love of my life ❤️
I've had such a bad day. At first it started off really great but then throughout the day it just got worse and worse. I'm in my schools auto tech program and there's this guy in there who just irritates the hell out of me every time he talks, well today we were cleaning the shop and I was supervisor of cleaning and he acted like he was the supervisor, then he kept bitching and complaining about everything and he wouldn't stop running his mouth to me and the other girl in there and he pissed both of us off. So comes the end of the day me and my boyfriend go to his house and I ask him if we can have sex and he tells me " well there better be a pop in the fridge or we aren't having sex " ( there was one in the fridge ) so then we start to have sex and his Boner just dies so that makes us both upset and kinda ruined my day a little more because I was looking foward to having sex. Then fast foward to when I get to work, I get to work and I tell my manager " hey I can't work tomorrow " so he tells me " well find someone who can work your shift " so I ask everybody who I know and they all said " no I have this to do " so then at the end of the night I tell him everyone said no but I really need tomorrow off and he yells at me in front of everybody and says " well now your problem becomes my problem and you should've requested off " and I told him it was a last minute kinda thing. Well my SO picks me up from work and tells me that his grandma is in the hospital so I tell him I wanna go, we get to his house and his mom tells him to take me home and that she didn't want me coming. And that really hurts because I wanted to be there for them. And I just give up on today and right now life.  It's been such a horrible day. ( sorry for the long post I needed to rant really bad )