My I told you so.

Nuriana🎆 • One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.
I was due for mid January around my and my hubs birthday, but I just knew it would be around Christmas time. I told my mom who wanted to be there for the birth to come christmas week but she kept saying no and to call her when I was closer to labor. Dec 24, 1 am I woke up to go pee for the millionth time as usual, when I laid back down I had some really bad cramps so I stood back up walked a foot, heard a pop and felt wet. My water broke, I was trying to wake up my husband and tell him what happened, so I tell him to go to turn on the light and he goes you go turn on my light I said no I think my water broke, how do you know? I said either that or my bladder burst either way I need to go to emergency room. I call my mom in the ER and yell I told you so. After that pretty uneventful. 16 hours later  I'm only 4 cm so I end up getting a C section. 4:54 pm 24 Dec, 2008, 8lbs, 1 oz. My baby boy.