For anyone who might be able to help

So a month ago I took a test. It was faint. Then I started bleeding. It was light brown and lasted 3 days. My doctor told me I was probably miscarrying. I havent had the money to go back but have continued to test to rule out implantation. Since then ive tested once a week and each one seems to get darker. All of the pictures I have were taken before the 6 minute mark. I am not asking if im pregnant. I just need advice grom someone in this situation. I do track cervical changes. Im now 2 days late. Usually im a little irregular so this isnt a big deal. But my cervix usually opens up a good bit before my period. Pretty wide too seeing as ive had 2 natural births previously. My cm is white and thin. My cervix is so closed you can barely feel the hole. The pictures are (hopefully) in order.