Curious about couples..

Shyralyse • 💑👣👶👧💏👦👩👣💏

Every couple has 1 sleezy friend, the one who always wants to go out, cant stay in a stable relationship job home . Still lives with their parents... never has possesion of their own children Etc. Etc.

I have long disconnected from my old hoe friends lmaooo.. the type of chicks that will

fuck for chance to ride in a 2005 dodge, charger and feed their kids cereal for every meal so they can go out 😂😂😂😂

But my husband on the other hand still maintains some of these friendships..

This one in particular... smh.. has tried to kiss me and flip it on me ( think beatle juice from howard stern).. he wasnt allowed back in my house for 3 years.. then we bbq'd and he stopped by.. all was forgiven im not petty.. but he always is making comments about my ass or how im too this or too that.. he super nice in my face.. flirty when hubs goes to the bathroom and then lies on me when im not around or bad mouths me. I am certain hes jealous and all of that.. most of his girlfriends are ex-prostitutes with 10 kids 9 baby daddies no teeth and a drug habit. So i understand.. because he looks like the photo below and has a terrible personality me or my husband would often talk to ladies for him when we went out.

He would give girls my number and have them call me because he cant get calls on his mommys house phone after 8 p.m

Now this little ugly fuqer is giving out my husbands name and number in bars and places we used to frequent together. He gets in fights and my captain save a hoe ass husband runs to his rescue. He shows up drunk and sleeps on our lawn.. hes progressively gotten worse and my husband feels bad for him.

But at some point this shit has got to stop...

My question is: how long is this considered " being a good friend" as far as my hubs is concerned?

And do any of your significant others maintain relationships or friendships that theyve out grown or youre not comfortable with.

And yesssss he reeeeeallly looks like the guy below maybe 4 inches taller and a nassssty know it all militant personality.